
CoinDesk - Unknown
CoinDesk 2021 Annual Crypto Review

Thanks to 2021 most people have at least heard of crypto by now not just Bitcoin and Ethereum but altcoins like DOGE and SHIB as well as terms like NF Ts and the metaverse In Coin Desk Research’s 2021 Annual Crypto Review we aim to summarize some of the key themes and metrics that marked [...]

CoinDesk - Unknown
CoinDesk - Unknown
Q3 2021 Quarterly Review - CoinDesk Research

CoinDesk Research presents its latest quarterly report for Q3 2021 which outlines the trends driving the digital asset markets, focusing on Bitcoin, Ethereum, DeFi and more. In all, assets performed generally well, scaling projects on Bitcoin and Ethereum thrived, institutions started paying even more attention and politicians flexed their regulatory muscle.

CoinDesk - Unknown