Robert Stevens

Robert Stevens

Robert Stevens is a freelance journalist whose work has appeared in The Guardian, the Associated Press, the New York Times and Decrypt. He is also a graduate of Oxford University's Internet Institute.



Digtal identity web3
What Is Decentralized Identity?
Decentralized identity aims to empower Web3 users to have control over their digital personas and keep their data secure.
Digtal identity web3
Qué son las ballenas de criptomonedas y por qué son importantes en el mercado
A menudo se denomina ballena a un inversor que posee una cantidad de una criptomonedas o colección de NFT que podría movilizar al mercado. Las ballenas pueden crear olas gigantes.
AI Artwork Whale Spout Bitcoin (DALL-E/CoinDesk)
What Are Crypto Whales and Why Are They Important?
An investor that holds a market-moving amount of a cryptocurrency or NFT collection is often referred to as a whale, and whales can make big waves.
AI Artwork Whale Spout Bitcoin (DALL-E/CoinDesk)
CDCROP: Unicorn float pool beach Uniswap (Unsplash/Modified by CoinDesk)
Uniswap's NFT Platform Shows DeFi's Reluctant Acceptance of Centralization
If you want to be “the interface for all NFT liquidity," you have to make some sacrifices.
CDCROP: Unicorn float pool beach Uniswap (Unsplash/Modified by CoinDesk)
Qué es y cómo funciona un “lanzamiento justo” en el sector cripto
Es crucial entender cómo se distribuyen inicialmente los nuevos tokens de criptomonedas y quiénes tienen acceso a las primeras ofertas de una nueva moneda, ya sea si eres inversor o estás pensando en lanzar un token propio.
AI Artwork Lady Justice (DALL-E/CoinDesk)
What Is a 'Fair Launch' in Crypto?
It’s important to understand how new crypto tokens are initially distributed and who gets access to the first offering of a new coin, whether you’re an investor or thinking of launching a token of your own.
AI Artwork Lady Justice (DALL-E/CoinDesk)
CDCROP: Hester Peirce at Consensus 2019 (CoinDesk)
‘Crypto Mom’ Hester Peirce: SEC ‘Disappoints’ When It Comes to Crypto
The securities watchdog has “never handled innovation” well, the SEC Commissioner behind the token safe harbor guidance tells Robert Stevens.
CDCROP: Hester Peirce at Consensus 2019 (CoinDesk)
CDCROP: Charts Graph Markets Indices candlestick (Rob Mitchell/CoinDesk)
The Macroeconomic Crypto Climate, Explained
CDCROP: Charts Graph Markets Indices candlestick (Rob Mitchell/CoinDesk)
(Fiona1/Getty Images)
Qué es y cómo funciona el precio mínimo de un NFT
La métrica determina el precio más bajo de un token no fungible dentro de una colección. A menudo es un buen punto de partida para comprender la popularidad de una colección de NFT y el valor del token a lo largo del tiempo.
(Fiona1/Getty Images)
Sweeping floor with broom
What Is an NFT Floor Price?
The metric measures the lowest price for an NFT in a collection. It's often a good starting point for understanding the popularity of an NFT collection and the token's value over time.
Sweeping floor with broom