
CoinDesk is the leading media platform for news, insights and analysis of the technologies reshaping money and commerce in the 21st century. Our team of dedicated journalists spans the globe. Here are our editorial staff members and how to best contact them. You can also follow them on Twitter.

If someone outside of this list contacts you on Twitter, Telegram or other channels claiming to be a CoinDesk staffer, immediately notify

Breaking News

Finance & Deals


Co-Managing Editor

James Rubin

Co-Managing Editor

Omkar Godbole

Senior Reporter, Asia

Sam Reynolds

Crypto Markets Analyst

Glenn Williams, Jr.

Stablecoins Reporter

Krisztian Sandor


Jocelyn Yang

Learn & Web3

Deputy Managing Editor

Rosie Perper


Cameron Thompson

Operations & Strategy

Senior Editor, Content Operations

Betsy Farber

Photo Editor

Kurt Christenson

Audience Development

Community Manager

Asa Sanon-Jules

Social Media Editor

Chris Bridgman

Copy Desk

Copy Desk Chief

Margo D. Beller

Copy Editor

Mark Nacinovich

Multimedia - CDTV

Executive Producer

McKenzie Stratigopoulos

Senior Producer, CoinDesk TV

Denise de Murcie

Head of Studio Ops/Head Engineer

Jordan Muthra

Senior Producer

Nicole Gibson

Director/Technical Director

Lance Counts

Senior Booking Producer

Melissa Montañez

Line Producer

Serena Lin

Senior Graphics Operator/Video Editor

Joe D'Addio

Broadcast Technician

Julien Le Pichon

Video Journalist/Social Video Producer

Doreen Wang

Associate Talent Booker

Dilin Massand

Digital Production Associate

Nia Freeman

Production Assistant

Victor Chen

Multimedia - Podcasts

Events & Programming

Executive Producer, Consensus Programming

Karin Annus

Deputy Director, Events Programming

John Belding

CoinDesk Studios

SVP, Head of CoinDesk Studios

Sam Ewen

Associate Director, Partnership & Client Lead

Markiesha Ollison